History Subject Leader: Mrs G Horsefield
For any more information on Stone St. Mary’s History Curriculum, please contact the office.
History provides pupils with a sense of the past, an awareness of differing values, systems and societies. Enriching pupils understanding of current and future problems.
At Stone St Mary’s C of E Primary School, we aim for the History curriculum to deepen the pupils understanding of the wider world and to develop a sense of curiosity through imagination and exploration of different times throughout history. Encouraging children to be inquisitive, ask questions and appreciate how the world and it’s people have changed over time.

Our curriculum ensures children understand the actions of important people and enables children to learn about significant events in History, whilst appreciating how things have changed over time. Children are taught about aspects of local, British and Ancient History. Through a well-sequenced curriculum which promotes deep thinking, the teaching of History equips children to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgment. Our curriculum revisits milestones to ensure children develop a deeper understanding of historical concepts and knowledge and promotes analytical, comparative, and evaluative thinking. Our lessons are taught with a focus on one or more of our connecting stones: conflict, evidence, chronology, lifestyle or historical influences.
The learning of this foundation subject will inspire children to become independent and inquisitive learners who strive to learn more about the past and build upon their confidence in their understanding of the wider world. Analytical thinking and questioning help children to be able to infer information from historical sources and enhance their abilities to sift through information and form their own judgments and arguments.



Historical Influencers


History in Each Stage
Children will be able to talk about past and present events in their lifetime, developing use of time vocabulary. By exploring differences in places and objects and comparing these to the past children will develop an understanding of how things change over time.
Children will look at different historical figures and the impact that they have had on history. Children will build upon their knowledge of chronology and timelines by exploring events in the past and gain an understanding of how events occurred within a period. Children will look at different artefacts, pictures and sources and will be encouraged to ask questions about them to form a sense of curiosity. Children will be able to name and identify different lifestyles from a period and explain some differences between the past and now.
Children will develop research questions and select appropriate source material from their awareness of a range of sources. They use labelled diagrams, recounts, stories, diaries, and pictures to illustrate an understanding of historical events and historical influences and can use appropriate historical vocabulary to describe key features of a period. Children will describe some of the main changes in Britain resulting from an event such as an invasion or war and explain how a significant figure of a period influenced change, expressing an opinion on whether a person or event had a positive or negative impact on life in Britain. They will acknowledge different points of view expressed and explain why these are important in understanding and interpreting history. They will be able to make connections, draw contrasts and identify trends in two or more periods of history and provide reasons for, and describe outcomes of, the main events and changes, showing factual knowledge of aspects of Britain and the wider world.
History Progression
SEND Information
We want all our children to be able to access our history curriculum. Through quality first teaching, use of Kagan strategies and a variety of assessment tools and adaptive teaching we ensure that our children with SEN can have the opportunity to learn and progress.
Extracurricular Activities
Horrible Histories Club run by our History Lead
An Impressive Timeline As long as three classes and visible on our KS2 playground the timeline assists children with building up a visual for their chronological knowledge dating from the Triassic period up until Covid 2020.
Historian Day where children dress up as their favourite historical figure from the past or wear an outfit from an era. This day encourages some fun discussions and all activities have a historical theme.
Trips to Historical Sites such as castles, dockyards, Roman ruins, mock WW I trenches and many more!