Physical Education Subject Leader: Miss O Sharp
For any more information on Stone St. Mary’s Physical Education Curriculum, please contact the office.
At Stone St Mary’s, we aim for all of our children to leave our school physically educated along with the knowledge, skills and motivation needed to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and participate in physical activity and sports.
Stone St Mary’s CE Primary School recognises the importance of Physical Education on pupils’ health and wellbeing and the impact this can have on their academic learning by following the aims of the national curriculum. We aim to:
- Provide our children with the tools and understanding required to make a positive impact in their own physical health and wellbeing.
- Create a love of sport by allowing our children to take part in a variety of sports whilst at school, which will enhance their life choices.
- Develop their physical confidence, problem solving as well as promote self-esteem allowing our children the opportunity to experience success and failure in a supportive learning environment.
- Provide all children with high quality PE and sport provision and deliver the National Curriculum in an engaging, fun way.
- Develop deep knowledge and skills to enable them to sustain and enjoy a positive, active lifestyle.

Our children at Stone St Mary’s, participate in weekly high-quality PE lessons as well as having active playtime and lunchtime activities (which our year 6 wellbeing ambassadors support). We also encourage other parts of the National Curriculum to be active such as English and Maths, with ideas from Teach Active. Additionally, our children will also complete the Daily Mile at some point during their school day too. While other elements of the National Curriculum are encouraged to be active, we cover other parts of PE in PSHE such as:
- Healthy eating
- Different ways to be healthy
- The elements of a balanced, healthy lifestyle
- Recognising what might influence healthy lifestyles
By covering these topics areas in PSHE, we are giving our children the tools and knowledge, they need to make a positive impact on their physical well-being and health, as well as lead an active lifestyle.
Our PE incorporates a broad range of sports to ensure all our children develop the confidence, tolerance and appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. By having a variety of sports, from PE lessons, extra-curricular and workshops; our children will find a sport that they love. We also provide our children with opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities after school, along with competitive sporting events in both intra and inter-competitions. By allowing children to take part in both these competitions, our children have the opportunity to experience success and failure in a supportive learning environment.
Teachers, with appropriate subject knowledge (supported by CPD opportunities), will model and inspire pupils to use a range of skills, which children can practice and improve on lesson-by-lesson. With our teachers having the chance to gain more subject knowledge, our children’s knowledge of the sport and skills they are learning will be improved and will have a better understanding of why they are learning these different skills.
From year 4, our pupils have weekly swimming lessons in term 5 and 6, which will allow of pupils to meet the curriculum requirements for swimming in Key Stage 2,

Ball Skills

Health & Wellbeing



By providing our children with the necessary skills, they will understand why it is important to be physically active/taking part in regular exercise, as well as leading a healthy lifestyle. By the staff aspiring for children to enjoy PE, children will develop a love of sport and physical activity – leading to this becoming part of their future life outside of primary school. Children have the opportunity to represent the school at a variety of sporting events. Alongside this, we share sporting achievements both in and out of school in Celebration Worship on a Friday. By sharing their sporting achievements, we are promoting sports and activities. To make sure our PE is of high quality, we use Pupil Voice and Team Teaching with our Sports Coach as well as CPD opportunities for staff, to continue to improve our PE. By ensuring our PE curriculum is progressive, will allow for our children to develop the fundamental skills and be able to apply them to a variety of sports and activities.

Physical Education in Each Stage
Throughout EYFS Primary Education, our children will be given opportunities to develop the main four types of strength: leg, shoulder, hand, and core in order to gain mastery over their large muscles. This is achieved through day-to-day child-initiation as well as in their PE lessons, in which they are given the chance to run around, play and participate in games. Throughout these opportunities, they are also taught key motor skills such as stability, object control and agility.

Our children in KS1 should develop their fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident across a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination (both individually and with others). During their lessons, they should be able to participate in competitive – both against themselves and others – and cooperative physical activities, through a range of increasingly challenging situations.
They should be taught to:
- Master basic movements – running, jumping, throwing, and catching as well as developing agility, balance and co-ordination – and apply these in a range of activities.
- Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
Perform dances using simple movement patterns

Throughout KS2, our children should continue to apply and develop a wide range of skills, learning how to use these skills in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. During their PE lessons, they will develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
They should be taught to:
- Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination.
- Play competitive games (modified where appropriate), for example badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis – during these games, they should apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.
- Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance – for example, through athletics, dance, and gymnastics.
- Perform dances using a range of movement patterns.
- Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenge – both individually and within a team – for example, orienteering.
- Compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
- Participate in swimming lessons (during year 4) with the aim of achieving consistent stroke and breathing techniques across a set distance in addition to developing water safety skills.

Physical Education Progression
The PE curriculum overview shows what each year group is learning throughout the school year, whilst the PE milestones show how our children can achieve each connecting stone during their time at Stone St Mary’s CofE Primary School.
SEND Information
PE lessons are adapted for SEND through Complete PE, allowing for adaptive teaching to enable learners to achieve.