At Stone St. Mary’s, we pride ourselves on supporting the surrounding community as well as national and international charities, where we strive to actively participate in fundraising activities to better the lives of everyone. Being a Church of England school, our vision allows us to consider different circumstances and develop an understanding of how people’s needs are different. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in social action and what they can do to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Reception’s Charity is Dale Lodge Care Home
In Year R we are being courageous advocates and supporting this charity by:
- We are writing letters to them.
- Inviting them to come to our school performances.
- Recording us singing and sending it to them.

Year One
Year 1’s Charity is The Baptist Model Primary School in Sierra Leone
In Year 1 we are being courageous advocates and supporting this charity by:
- Live Zoom call to share learning.
- Easter Sale fundraiser.
- Donation collection of items for members of Baptist Model primary school.

Year Two
Year 2’s Charity is The Happy Pants Ranch.
In Year 2 we are being courageous advocates and supporting this charity by:
- Collecting pumpkins, old towels and blankets for the animals.
- Raising awareness of the charity through our Social media accounts.
- In terms 5-6, the children visit and help with general volunteering around the farm.
- Animal visit to the school.

Year Three
Year 2’s Charity is Porchlight.
In Year 3 we are being courageous advocates and supporting this charity by:
- Collecting food for the homeless
- Liaising with a Porchlight representative.
- Camping out to raise money for porchlight

Year Four
Year 4’s Charity is The London Air Ambulance
In Year 4 we are being courageous advocates and supporting this charity by:
- Meet representatives to discuss plans moving forward.
- Raising money for the charity by having a sponsored event

Year Five
Year 5’s Charity is Age UK, specifically the Kent Rivers branch.
In Year 5 we are being courageous advocates and supporting this charity by:
- Writing letters, sharing learning & teaching and being taught different skills.
- Singing, serving dinners & intergenerational art projects.

Year Six
Year 5’s Charity is Royal British Legion
In Year 6 we are being courageous advocates and supporting this charity by:
- We will raise donations through November.
- We will be focusing on giving up time rather than children donating money throughout the rest of the year.
- Host our school Remembrance Day Worship.