We introduce pupil leadership roles as we want our school to be the kind of school that everyone enjoys coming to, where everyone knows and understands each other.
School Council
At Stone St Mary’s, we operate a Smart School Council (SSC). This means that every child at Stone is a member of the School Council and has a voice that is not only heard but listened to.
We introduce pupil leadership roles as we strive for everyone to know and understand each other in a cheerful, safe environment where everyone feels valued and listened to.

Leading Lights
Leading Lights spend time exploring what worship means to us and others and take responsibility for looking after the worship table/area in our classrooms, support class teachers with setting up for collective worship and begin to take a leading role during worship – e.g. reading a bible passage, saying a prayer, etc. We play an important role in demonstrating the spiritual aspects of our school day and learning and model respect during acts of worship.

Agents for Change
Agents for Change aspire to help make changes in school so that everyone feels equal, everyone feels safe and everyone feels happy. The pupils lead worships and help ensure there are enough resources available to reflect the diversity within our school.

Wellbeing Champions
The Wellbeing Champions take on the role of playtime buddies to support younger year groups in their emotional wellbeing and share feedback and ideas with our classes to support wellbeing.
House Captains
House captains help organise sporting events, model sporting values and collect house points.

Junior Leadership Team
The Junior Leadership Team support our teachers with the curriculum by sharing our thoughts and opinions about how our school can be improved and help with classroom monitoring.

Office Angels
Office Angels help our office team but distributing leaflets/letters, laminating and putting posters up around the school and helping run errands.

Tech Team
The Tech Team make sure all technology is ready and available when it is needed to support our curriculum such as ensuring iPads are charged and making our IT support team aware if anything needs fixing or replaced.

Maths Leaders
The Maths Leaders help organise activities for ‘be a mathematician day’ and have opportunities to lead and teach maths activities in classrooms, run competitions across the school & help subject lead with monitoring.
Trust Student Voice
At Aletheia Academies Trust, we all understand the importance of getting all pupils involved in the direction of the schools and how students can be an instrument to affect positive change in our school communities. Bi-monthly a number of school councils from each school get together to discuss what individual schools have done recently, to plan what they want to achieve in Student Voice for next year and ways to ensure the group is feeding into the Trust to have an impact on the overall development.