Stone St. Mary’s Joins the Movement for Show Racism the Red Card Day

Stone St. Mary’s Joins the Movement for Show Racism the Red Card Day

Stone St. Mary’s CofE Primary School joined the national campaign for Show Racism the Red Card day, alongside all our other Aletheia Academies Trust Schools.

In our school, we learnt about racial discrimination and stereotyping; learning about how to challenge prejudices we may encounter and how to educate one another to live in our multicultural society.

Racism continues to be an issue across society with many people suffering abuse each day. The UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity, SRtRC believes that education is key to challenging racism in society.

This campaign reiterates our day-to-day learning in our curriculum; specifically our PSHE and RE lessons. With initiatives such as Show Racism the Red Card, and Black History Month, we are able to educate our pupils about understanding diversity, inclusion and world faiths and religions.

The charity’s national fundraising and awareness day aim to unite the country and raise funds for anti-racism education for young people and adults, by inviting schools, businesses and individuals to donate and wear red for the day.

2021 marked the biggest Wear Red Day yet, and this year is already set to get even bigger with over 400,000 participants celebrating their support; including some of the country’s biggest names and companies.

Aletheia Academies Trust developed a video to show that as a Trust we stand together to fight racism.

View our video below;

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